ACM UMAP 2021 is over.

UMAP'22 will take place 4-7 July 2022 in Barcelona and online. Check the conference website.

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The 29th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization was held fully online from Utrecht, the Netherlands.


Best paper awards

Best Paper Award: Kamil Akhuseyinoglu and Peter Brusilovsky (University of Pittsburgh, USA) "Data-Driven Modeling of Learners' Individual Differences for Predicting Engagement and Success in Online Learning"

James Chen Best Student Paper Award: Giovanni Gabbolini and Derek Bridge (Insight Centre for Data Analytics, University College Cork, Ireland) "Generating Interesting Song-to-Song Segues With Dave"

Congratulations to the winners!


Welcome mail with participation information sent

We have sent all registered participants a welcome mail with all information needed to participate. If you did register for ACM UMAP 2021 and haven't received the welcome mail yet, please check your spam folder and, if needed, contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We will process new registrations at the end of each working day.


Program and proceedings available

The program and the main proceedings and adjunct proceedings (both with open-access links to all papers) of UMAP 2021 are now available!


Keynote speakers announced

We are very pleased to announce our keynote speakers: Helen Nissenbaum, Maarten de Rijke and Julita Vassileva! Read more about their talks and bios on the Keynote Speakers page.


Published lists of accepted contributions 

The lists of accepted papers, accepted demo and LBR papers and doctoral consortium papers are online. We also have a good number of interesting workshops!


Registration is now open

Conference registration is now open, with low participation rates for non-author participants. Authors are expected to register before 7 May 2021.

judith masthoff eelcoherder

Judith Masthoff & Eelco Herder
General Chairs

nava tintarev marko tkalcic

Nava Tintarev & Marko Tkalcic
Program Chairs