The following papers have been awarded at UMAP 2014, the 22nd conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (Aalborg, Denmark, 7-11 June 2014):

Ben Steichen, Michael M.A. Wu, Dereck Toker, Cristina Conati and Giuseppe Carenini.
Te,Te,Hi,Hi: Eye Gaze Sequence Analysis for Informing User-Adaptive Information Visualizations
(Springer Best Paper Award)

Robert Bixler and Sidney D'Mello
Toward Fully Automated Person-Independent Detection of Mind Wandering
(James Chen Best Student Paper Award)

Amir Shareghi Najar, Tanja Mitrovic and Bruce M. McLaren
Adaptive support versus alternating worked examples and tutored problems: Which leads to better learning?
(James Chen Best Student Paper Award)